I woke up in the middle of the night and I had an epiphany! I had discovered a way to effectively solve the welfare problem in America. It is so simple that it’s scary, but with that being the case it seems unlikely that it would ever occur.
First, let me start by saying that I am against any form of public assistance. To quote one of our founding fathers the great Thomas Jefferson, "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." Add on top of this the fact that those who do not work or contribute to the republic have an equal vote as those who do and you have the eventual creation of a state in which the politicians are more concerned with satisfying the non-working with the labors of the working.
Welfare plagues this country to so vastly and deeply that it is hard to fathom. For fiscal year 2000, which is the last year to have complete data, the Federal, State and Local government expenditures for welfare were $1.01 trillion. That’s right TRILLION! Out of that total social security and Medicare were 53% of funds distributed. That’s fine because those people paid into the system. The remaining 47% was paid to low income / needy families. So their total was roughly $470 billion. These figures were based on information provided by the website https://webmail.pcsoweb.com/OWA/redir.aspx?C=01b146c1fa5d421c8ebcf208f0a7a5b1&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.libraryindex.com%2fpages%2f72%2fHow-Much-Does-Nation-Spend-on-Welfare.html The problem is that this is not a onetime charge. This is an ever revolving, ever growing behemoth that threatens to engulf us all. Check out the previously listed site for the particulars on the magnitude of growth that has occurred in welfare expenditures.
So I’ve given some quick information about the problem we face. Now stand back and be amazed at the simplicity in which the problem can be solved. As I explain this solution I will attempt to thwart any attacks on this proposal by the bleeding heart ACLU card carrying left.
I want to start out by saying that I've got nothing against the ladies. Actually my problem is with the males. We have successful forms of contraception protection already, but I don't trust the men to use them. Unfortunately the only recourse for males is surgical procedures which is more expensive to perform and extremely more expensive to reverse. So this forces me to look like a woman basher when the contrary is actually true. Women are the ones that are saddled with the upbringing of the children while the males can reject their responsibilities. Keeping that in mind her is my plan.
First, any female that is public assistance welfare should have an Intrauterine Device (IUD) inserted in them. For those that are not familiar with these devices here is very basic overview. The IUD is a small plastic device containing copper or hormones and is inserted into the uterus by a medical professional. The IUD does not stop the sperm from entering into the uterus, but rather it changes cervical mucus decreasing the probability of fertilization and it changes the lining of the uterus preventing implantation should fertilization occur. These little gems work from 5-10 years and have a 90% effectiveness rate. There no side effects and they can be easily removed to allow the female to become impregnated after she gets off of public assistance.
I can hear the phones at the ACLU ringing already, but give me a second to explain myself. People are on public assistance because they simply cannot afford to make it on their own for whatever reason. I know many of these reasons are temporary, but they can become long term if you add an extra mouth or two to feed. One estimate I recently read for the cost of a single child was approximately $200,000. This included housing, food, transportation, clothing, healthcare, childcare and education. If 200K seems like a lot, it is. Remember these people are already on public assistance so all of these additional costs are being carried by the taxpayers.
I will now list why each of these areas are all of problems.
Housing – obviously more people means a bigger house and the higher utility bills that coincide with it.
Food – yes you have to feed them. Three times a day, 365 days a year.
Transportation – Public busing systems that has to take them to and from school. Along with the housing theory, bigger family bigger car and fuel charges that go along with it.
Clothing – self explanatory.
Healthcare – oh yes the big one. We incur the cost of their prenatal, birth, pediatrician, gynecologist (if the child is a girl) and dentist.
Childcare – again if these people want to or have to work to some degree we’ve got to watch their kids somehow until they get home.
Education – more schools, more teachers, more buses, more books that the parents to have the money to pay for via local taxes. You get the picture.
Now I understand that we do not necessarily pay all of these items (unless of course the parent is in jail and oh yeah we pay for their necessities also). Something has to give in the process either the parent works and we pay for child care and some assistance or the parent stays home and we pay for everything. Just remember though, it’s an all or nothing situation when it comes to public assistance. If the family was good with two kids and then have a third and need public assistance we have to cover all three of the kids and not just the new one that put them over the edge.
Now that we’ve got current burdens to the system limited to some degree we now work on future burdens. Again it is simple to achieve. Once welfare assisted children become school age you tie their parents’ eligibility of benefits to the child’s school performance. In other words if a student is taking five classes in school they need to get a “C” or better in all classes to get full benefits. As the child performs worse the benefits continue to decrease to a minimum level. If the student drops out of school or gets expelled the parent loses all benefits for that child. The reason for this is if a child chooses to not attend school then they should be working and they need no further government assistance. Additionally, once a child drops out of school they are automatically emancipated and the parents are no longer legally responsible for them.
This kills two ideological birds with one stone. Liberals argue that underprivileged children don’t get the support they need from home which helps explain why they struggle in school. Keeping that in mind, I guarantee that you tie the parents’ government check to the scholastic success of little Johnny or Susie and you’ll get some parent involvement.
This will also give extra incentive for kids to stay in school which will help out later on down the road. Depending on which stats you look at, it is estimated that roughly half of all welfare recipients do not have a high school diploma. This lack of a diploma hinders future earnings throughout their life and contributes to keeping them in the welfare system also.
Now we have one last step that is similar to the first step which will again lock down future need for welfare. Anytime a family gets on welfare, if they have a juvenile daughter she must also get an IUD when she reaches puberty and has her first gynecologist appointment. If people were not outraged before when I suggested the same for the mother they certainly will be now. Let’s use another one of the key arguments that Liberals have for the need of public assistance to defend this position. They argue that lack of education is one of the main reasons why the impoverished can never rise up become financially secure.
Minus the eye the pie situations when a lone independent woman rises up with her baby still clutched to her bosom the odds are highly stacked against them that they will graduate high school or college. Remember the family already cannot support themselves currently so how can they do so when a grandchild arrives extremely early.
Let’s not forget that these IUD’s are not permanent fixes. They can be used until the age of 18 or they graduate high school and we would even pay to have them removed by the doctor. It’s a small price to pay to ensure that these young ladies get a fighting chance at bettering themselves.
That’s it. That’s the plan. I told you it was simple, but the liberal cry of individual rights will drown out any debate that provides a non-permanent plan that would change the vicious welfare cycle for generations to come. Plus Democrats manipulate the welfare system to create a mob of indentured servants and do not want to fix the system because they do not want to destroy their election base.
Friday, December 5, 2008
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Thomas Jefferson never said or wrote it.
Monticello dot org
Go to brainyquotes.com and look up Jefferson. That's where I got the quote from.
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